Modern design of electrical energy conversion systems –which includes power electronics– requires the support of simulation tools. A system or circuit simulation alone is no longer satisfactory without proper combined-physics system analysis and design.
Understanding the strengths of different tools and integrating them in the design process allows investigation of more design aspects than only circuit simulation.
Typical simulation analysis of combined physics consists of many aspects that are modeled into the combined circuit-system simulator. These are, for example, parameters of magnetic actuators, parameters and precise models of semiconductor switches, electrical machine parameters, thermal effects, different control issues, or packaging and parasitic effects as a result of different layout.
All electromechanical systems require a power source. Ultimately, the entire system, including all mechanical, hydraulic, and thermal loading needs to be modeled. The interaction and data exchange with different analysis and design tools is hereby necessary.
Caspoc, a combined-physics circuit-system simulator, enables this integrated approach, where the complete application can be simulated.
Basic scheme of a Field Oriented Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine. Various models for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines are available including interior permanent magnet machines with thermal models and saturation dependency. The blocks in the control are space vector blocks, allowing direct modeling in alpha/beta or dq.